Edmonton Shockwave TherapyRadial pressure waves are an excellent noninvasive treatment for conditions that are normally very difficult to treat.
These shockwaves reduce pain and improve function through tissue remodeling in 80% of patients. And with some success rates even higher.
These are significant success results and we are very happy to be able to offer this therapy at Strive Spine & Sport for our patients. *individual results may vary |
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How Shockwave Therapy Works |
Pain Reduction |
Radial pressure waves offer a non-invasive treatment solution for long-term insertion and soft tissue pathologies. Local treatment of the affected area will enhance and reset the healing pattern. The acoustic impulses then transmit into the underlying tissues, treating a large area. Today there are several working hypothesis for the physical effects of radial pressure waves.
The patient experiences a reduction of pain, explained by the Gate Control theory. Intensive pulses from the transmitter into the tissue create a strong nociceptor activation of the A-B fibers, which affect interneurons that inhibit the transmission of the pain signals.
Increased MetabolismShockwaves influence the tissue on a cellular level. The chemical environment of the cells are affected by free radicals promoting the release of pain and inflammatory inhibiting substances, controlling inflammation and creating tissue healing and regeneration.
RevascularizationRepeated shockwaves to the affected area create a revascularisation effect, with the new blood flow in the area promoting tissue healing and regeneration.
Reduced Muscle Tone |
How Successful is Shockwave Therapy |
The “vicious circle”, as well as the strong pathological association between pain and muscle tone, will be broken and lead to restoring a normalized muscular tone.
On average, after only 2 or 3 sessions, over 80% of patients report painlessness or significant pain reduction. Results may vary per individual.
How is Shockwave Therapy PerformedThe doctor localizes the trigger points in the painful region and discusses the findings with you. A skin gel is then applied to the treatment area to allow the shockwaves to be introduced into the body almost painlessly and without any loss of energy. After these preparations, shockwaves are released as the shockwave applicator is moved over the pain region in a circular motion.
Duration and Frequency of Shockwave TherapyThe therapy session takes between 15 and 20 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. In general, an average of 4 to 6 therapy sessions are necessary at weekly intervals dependent on the condition treated and its chronicity.
Shockwave Therapy Treatment Edmonton
Strive Spine & Sport offer Shockwave Therapy Treatments for effective relief of the following conditions:
Myofascial Trigger Points
Muscle Tension caused by painful muscular nodules (trigger points) Chronic tension or muscle spasm Tendon and muscle conditions Plantar Fasciitis, heel pain, Heel Spur or pain in the foot Radial and Ulnar Humeral |
Epicondylitis,Golfers and Tennis Elbow
Achillodynia, Achilles Tendonitis Retropatellar Pain Syndrome, knee pain, Jumpers Knee Tibial Edge Syndrome, Shin Splints Proximal Illiotibial Band Friction Tendinosis Calcarea / Supraspinatus-Tendonitis |
Syndrome/Trochanteric Bursitis
Insertional Tendonitis Shoulder pain, e.g. shoulder calcifications, Rotator Cuff injuries, Frozen Shoulder Piriformis Syndrome, groin injuries Chronic neck, shoulder and back pain Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia |